dimecres, 28 de novembre del 2007

Fiat Bravo

Today I'm not very inspirated because we are in a very hard week, with a lot of exams, and I'm tired too because I come to train with my team. I want to talk about the new car that my brother bought last weekend. It is the new Fiat Bravo. He's all the day presuming about his car now. But he must to pay all and in two months maybe he isn't so glad. But I wish he stills happy.
I put a picture about it...it's a very nice car.

dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2007

Pressing Catch: Smackdown

Hello people. We haven’t a lot of days for full the blog and I didn’t mind what can I do. My friend Alfaro said to me I can do it about Pressing Catch. Pressing Catch is a show where the characters fight between them. There are a lot of fighters and a lot of histories. For example, there are a lot of characters who are angry with the bass of the program, and he has his own bodyguards, who are fighters too.
My favourite character is “The Animal”, David Batista. He has a great goatee and is very strong.

dimecres, 21 de novembre del 2007

Wayne Rooney

Wayne Rooney is a player who plays in Manchester United, a English team. He’s only 21but is one of the bests players in the world. Apart of score a lot of goals every season, he runs every minute of every match for his team, unlike other craks. When he has only 16 years he debuted with England national team, and he was the top scorer of Euro cup, with only 16 years old!!!! But he’s little crazy too. For example, when he finish a match with national team, he catches the bus of the team and go for all Oporto (the Euro cup was celebrated in Portugal) drunked.
Well, I put a video for see him.

dijous, 15 de novembre del 2007


Hello people!!! I’ll talk about Rocky Balboa, the Italian Stallion. He’s the main character of a serie of 6 great films. Rocky is a boxer who lives in Philadelphia. In the first film, he fights in pubs, winning a small change and he isn’t very good. But the World Heaviest Champion, Apollo Creed, nominates him to fight. He trains a lot and at the end he lost, but all the people start to meet Rocky Balboa. Since this moment he stills training, and in the second part he wins the Champion. I recommended you to see the films, because apart of fight, you can learn a lot of films about don’t give up, for example.
I’ll put a video about Rocky, because choose a picture is difficult.

diumenge, 11 de novembre del 2007


When I start my blog I said my favourite sport is football, and I love it. I play in a team near to Empuriabrava, in FE Figueres. I was playing in Figueres for 4 years, and I’ve a lot of good memories in this time. But the best was the last year, when I was playing with a lot of friends in a great competition. I played versus Barça, Español….and the best teams in Catalunya. In Holy Week we had a tournament and we play versus Brasil Selection Sub-16. We appeared in TV3 too…..a lot of things.
Now I stay in a older team. I have a lot of friends but it isn’t the same of the last year, when we’re like a family.
For end I put a picture versus Brasil team. We lost 3-1…of course.

dimarts, 6 de novembre del 2007

Goku is the best!!!

This morning when I wake up I turn off the TV and I discover that the best cartoon program starts again!!! It’s Dragon Ball, with his main character, Goku. It’s a cartoons that describe the life of this sayan (a type of warrior who has yellow hair and it’s very strong). When Dragon Ball starts, Goku is a child and he thinks that he is a human. He meets a lot of friends and win a lot of enemies. With the time Goku becomes older and he has more friends, but more enemies and more dangerous too!
Well, for all the boys of this generation Goku isn’t only a cartoon. He’s….the best.

divendres, 2 de novembre del 2007


Today I've more time and I'll to talk about summer. The summer ended in August but we don't forget it. When the school is finish and we start the summer, all the people wants to go out every day, go to a lot of places, travel,...all at the same time. And at the end summer had been enjoyed for all the people and nobody wants to come at work. I was working in a campsite, but it was more funny that staying at home for example. Every day I was working, but I was with girls too!!!I'll put a picture of the last summer with some friends. Please don't look in the middle.