diumenge, 10 de maig del 2009

Exams and holidays

We are in the last oficial week of school. But first we must pass all the exams and, if we can't do it, other week to recuperate subjects. The people who pass all the subjects and want do it, will do a last exam of every subject, Selectivitat.
We will have two more weeks to prepare it. Ane when this exams will finish..summer!!!
I can see that all my friens are tired to study and we need a rest. We are talking about trips, parties...every moment.
I think we deserve this rest, but depending of teachers this rest will be better or worse that ever!!

1 comentari:

KST TEACHERS ha dit...

I don't agree with you Iñaki, it does not depend on the teachers, it depends on yourserf !!
Do you deserve a pass mark ? have you done all the work you need for a good learning ?
I'm not only talking about your English work, I'm talking in general !!
Come on, cheer up, remember that it's never too late !!!